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佐藤 礼奈(박 례나)
- 日文
- 韩文
通常の通訳(夕食前に解散):1日 30,000円
夕食まで:1日 35,000円
原発関連:1日 40,000円
한일 혼혈입니다. 그 덕분에 미묘한 뉘앙스도 잘 통역/번역할 수 있습니다.
여러분이 다시 후쿠시마에 오고 싶다고 느낄 수 있는 추억에 남는 여행을 약속합니다.
문의 사항이 있으시면 언제든지 연락해주세요.
통역/번역도 합니다.
여행사 근무 때문에 전세버스 등의 수배도 가능 합니다.
두더지 고로케, 치이카와 LOVE
보통 통역(저녁 식사 전에 해산):1일 30,000엔
저녁 식사까지: 1일 35,000엔
원전 관련:1일 40,000엔
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 农业
- 饮食文化
- 雪上活动
- 区域级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
佐藤 美津子
- 英文
- 日文
Experience amazing Fukushima! I’m an open-mind, flexible guide. Let’s have fun!
- 区域级口译导游
住田 隆
- 英文
- 日文
- 国家级口译导游
高橋 哲子
- 英文
- 日文
I have registered to more than ten translation companies in Tokyo. I have translated various kinds of fields, including nuclear power, building, civil engineering and welding. My house (already demolished) used to be in No-Go Zone. I’m quite familiar with this area, who runs a hotel for visiting people, for example. In addition, I’ve learned lots of English terms for NPP and its decommission. I am the best person to show around townvisiting people from foreign countries.
- 国家级口译导游
塩田 正宏
- 英文
- 日文
I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.
- 国家级口译导游
小泉 義勝
- 英文
- 日文
I want to be helpful so that you can go on a more fun trip. I hope you can make a lot of wonderful memories in Fukushima prefecture. I am looking forward to seeing you some day. Have a nice trip.
- 区域级口译导游