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平林 丈彦
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In addition to the proper sight-seeing spots in Fukushima,I would like to guide you to the mountaineering and trekking around Mt.BANDAI,OZE,marsh high land with full of alpine flowers and Mt.Adatara through the year,as a menber of Japanese ALPINE club. Let's enjoy the nature life of Fukushima with me in every season.
- 区域级口译导游
黒井 弘子 (くろい ひろこ)
- 英文
- 日文
With the experience of taking care of foreign students from all over the world in the university, I'd love to introduce many aspects of Japan, including subculture, places for animal lovers and incredibly beautiful scenery in Fukushima and Tohoku (northeastern part of Japan). I am sure you can enjoy not only mainstream sightseeing spots, but also unique places in Tohoku where old traditions are cherished amidst cutting-edge technologies.
- 农业
- 复兴相关
- 区域级口译导游
- 会津区域
- 中心区域
- 沿海区域
- 福岛的区域
山崎 幸司
- 英文
- 日文
I lived in various parts of Fukushima prefecture due to my work. So I will show you around Fukushima by car. I’m sure I can go along with your wishes.
- 区域级口译导游
小泉 義勝
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- 日文
I want to be helpful so that you can go on a more fun trip. I hope you can make a lot of wonderful memories in Fukushima prefecture. I am looking forward to seeing you some day. Have a nice trip.
- 区域级口译导游
飯塚 善昭
- 英文
- 日文
- 日本文化
- 区域级口译导游
- 会津区域
中西 勉
- 英文
- 日文
I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.
- 国家级口译导游
塩田 正宏
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- 日文
I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.
- 国家级口译导游
林 晋作
- 英文
- 日文
Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.
- 国家级口译导游
古川 美和
- 英文
- 日文
Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.
- 区域级口译导游