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山寺 四郎
- 英文
- 日文
I am very interested in Tour Guiding for foreigners. Because I like travel all over the world and I learned how to do the tour guide. For example I have been traveling south Asia (included south east Asia), Europe, Africa, North & South America. Basically I travel alone. In such places, I have joined a tour group there, and learned technique of how to guide from tour guides. Of course, in Japan I did it too. In these reasons, I would like to get a chance of tour guide and give foreigners "HOW WONDERFUL FUKUSHIMA & JAPAN" IS.
- 区域级口译导游
美谷 真由美
- 英文
- 日文
- 区域级口译导游
林 晋作
- 英文
- 日文
Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.
- 国家级口译导游
佐藤 礼奈(박 례나)
- 日文
- 韩文
通常の通訳(夕食前に解散):1日 30,000円
夕食まで:1日 35,000円
原発関連:1日 40,000円
한일 혼혈입니다. 그 덕분에 미묘한 뉘앙스도 잘 통역/번역할 수 있습니다.
여러분이 다시 후쿠시마에 오고 싶다고 느낄 수 있는 추억에 남는 여행을 약속합니다.
문의 사항이 있으시면 언제든지 연락해주세요.
통역/번역도 합니다.
여행사 근무 때문에 전세버스 등의 수배도 가능 합니다.
두더지 고로케, 치이카와 LOVE
보통 통역(저녁 식사 전에 해산):1일 30,000엔
저녁 식사까지: 1일 35,000엔
원전 관련:1일 40,000엔
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 农业
- 饮食文化
- 雪上活动
- 区域级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
阿部 美津子
- 日文
- 英文
I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 饮食文化
- 山中徒步旅行
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
渡邊 久美子
- 英文
- 日文
I'll guide you to some hot spring resorts,try fruit picking and Hanamiyama-park.
- 区域级口译导游
飯塚 善昭
- 英文
- 日文
- 日本文化
- 区域级口译导游
- 会津区域
住田 隆
- 英文
- 日文
- 国家级口译导游
安倍 義典
- 英文
- 日文
In Fukushima Prefecture, there are buried attractive places and delicious agricultural products which are not widely known due to lack of PR etc. Therefore I would like to discover a lot of these things and transmit the charm of Fukushima to Foreigners Visiting Japan.
- 区域级口译导游