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SHIGA Mikiko志賀 美貴子
- 英文
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
Mayumi Mitani美谷 真由美
- 英文
- 日文
- 区域级口译导游
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
Yoonmi JUNGチョン ユンミ
- 日文
- 韩文
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 农业
- 饮食文化
- 山中徒步旅行
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
ABE Mitsuko阿部 美津子
- 日文
- 英文
I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 饮食文化
- 山中徒步旅行
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
Mikio Kainuma貝沼 幹夫
- 英文
- 日文
I would like to guide you through a wide variety of sightseeing spots in Fukushima. Fukushima is full of interesting things to discover; such as beautiful nature, dramatic history, delicious food and sake, and many hot springs. You can also enjoy looking around traditional craft ateliers and art museums. I look forward to your visit to Fukushima. Please feel free to contact me.
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 山中徒步旅行
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域
Ogawa Takeshi小川 武
- 英文
- 日文
I would like to guide you to enjoy the beautiful nature, attractive culture and interesting history of Fukushima. It is my pleasure to make your trip happier in Fukushima.
Kunimi Town, Koori Town, Fukushima City, Date City, Kawamata Town, Nihonmatsu City, Otama Village, Motomiya City, mainly in the northern part of the prefecture, the flowers of the four seasons, temples and shrines, museums, cafeterias loved by locals, etc. I will guide you and help you enjoy Fukushima.
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 复兴相关
- 饮食文化
- 区域级口译导游
- 中心区域
Shizuko Yamaki八巻 静子
- 英文
- 区域级口译导游
Harada Shinji原田 眞二
- 英文
- 国家级口译导游
Koji NIHEI二瓶 浩治
- 英文
- 日文
I’d like my guests to enjoy Japan through sightseeing around Fukushima, eating delicious foods of Japan and drinking Japanese sake. I can help you with either everything of your trip in Japan or part of it, for example, only in Fukushima, around the south area of Tohoku, and so on. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything about your trip.
- 日本文化
- 历史、武士
- 饮食文化
- 国家级口译导游
- 沿海区域
- 中心区域
- 会津区域
- 福岛的区域