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渡邊 久美子
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I'll guide you to some hot spring resorts,try fruit picking and Hanamiyama-park.
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松本 修治
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I am good at outdoor activity such as camping, hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, bird watching and ski. (ski : good at instruction for kids and beginners) I am a pilot of small airplane & helicopter. So, I have a knowledge of aviation. My Facebook page is so called bilingual. I disclose my posts to public partially. I have over 130 foreign friends on FB. Keeping in touch with them frequently.
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小泉 義勝
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I want to be helpful so that you can go on a more fun trip. I hope you can make a lot of wonderful memories in Fukushima prefecture. I am looking forward to seeing you some day. Have a nice trip.
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中西 勉
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I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.
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古川 美和
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Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.
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佐野 安須佐
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I have the following certificates : Tour conductor, Oze Nature Guide, Travel service Supervisor. Minami Aizu region has many sightseeing spots with rich nature.“Oouchijuku”was a post-station during the time of the Samurai.Oze National Park with plenty of alpine plants is a perfect for hiking. I look forward to showing you around!
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- 會津區域
安倍 義典
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In Fukushima Prefecture, there are buried attractive places and delicious agricultural products which are not widely known due to lack of PR etc. Therefore I would like to discover a lot of these things and transmit the charm of Fukushima to Foreigners Visiting Japan.
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山田 敦代
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Fukushima has much to offer. I would love to assist your trip in Fukushima, hope your stay will be happy and memorable one.
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山崎 幸司
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I lived in various parts of Fukushima prefecture due to my work. So I will show you around Fukushima by car. I’m sure I can go along with your wishes.
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