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佐藤 美津子

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Experience amazing Fukushima! I’m an open-mind, flexible guide. Let’s have fun!

  • 地域通譯案內士

古川 美和

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Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.

  • 地域通譯案內士

阿部 美津子

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  • 英文

I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.

  • 日本文化
  • 歷史、武士
  • 復興相關
  • 飲食文化
  • 山區健行
  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域

岩崎 恵美子

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  • 日文

Through my experience worked in the foreign company, I will introduce Shirakawa area with many historic sites and beautiful nature. Also, you can enjoy taking part in the Japanese culture and tradition such as a tea ceremony etc. or some seasonal festivals. I want to be a extremely helpful English speaking staff to offer you a special memorable tour in Fukushima prefecture.

  • 地域通譯案內士

石田 美由紀

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  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 地域通譯案內士

河野 義樹

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Born and raised in Fukushima City. Traveled to 21 countries around the world and visited over 50 cities. I would like you to have wonderful experience in Fukushima like I did in the cities all over the world. Let me help you find the attractions in Fukushima.

  • 地域通譯案內士

平林 丈彦

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In addition to the proper sight-seeing spots in Fukushima,I would like to guide you to the mountaineering and trekking around Mt.BANDAI,OZE,marsh high land with full of alpine flowers and Mt.Adatara through the year,as a menber of Japanese ALPINE club. Let's enjoy the nature life of Fukushima with me in every season.

  • 地域通譯案內士

黒井 弘子 (くろい ひろこ)

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With the experience of taking care of foreign students from all over the world in the university, I'd love to introduce many aspects of Japan, including subculture, places for animal lovers and incredibly beautiful scenery in Fukushima and Tohoku (northeastern part of Japan). I am sure you can enjoy not only mainstream sightseeing spots, but also unique places in Tohoku where old traditions are cherished amidst cutting-edge technologies.

  • 農業
  • 復興相關
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 會津區域
  • 中心區域
  • 沿海區域
  • 福島的區域

阿部 恵美子

  • 英文
  • 日文

I have been a guide of private & group tours. I’d like to introduce unique places in Tohoku and all over Japan. I like walking including hiking and town walks. I am a member of a local history group. I will also help you plan a trip. Please feel free to contact me.

  • 全國通譯案內士