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山田 敦代

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Fukushima has much to offer. I would love to assist your trip in Fukushima, hope your stay will be happy and memorable one.

  • 地域通譯案內士

渡邊 久美子

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I'll guide you to some hot spring resorts,try fruit picking and Hanamiyama-park.

  • 地域通譯案內士

河野 義樹

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Born and raised in Fukushima City. Traveled to 21 countries around the world and visited over 50 cities. I would like you to have wonderful experience in Fukushima like I did in the cities all over the world. Let me help you find the attractions in Fukushima.

  • 地域通譯案內士

吉田 勝美

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I csn explain about Japanese manufacturing management method as an experienced engineer, as well as guide you to historical places associated with Samurai, one of features of Fukushima. I also speak Korean (lived in Korea for 5 years).

  • 全國通譯案內士

飯塚 善昭

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  • 日本文化
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 會津區域

林 晋作

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Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.

  • 全國通譯案內士

平林 丈彦

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In addition to the proper sight-seeing spots in Fukushima,I would like to guide you to the mountaineering and trekking around Mt.BANDAI,OZE,marsh high land with full of alpine flowers and Mt.Adatara through the year,as a menber of Japanese ALPINE club. Let's enjoy the nature life of Fukushima with me in every season.

  • 地域通譯案內士

芳賀 年子

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I would like my guests to enjoy walking around alleys and peaceful, historic places in Fukushima City and going on a hike in Ryozen Mountain, one of the New Japan Hundred Noted Mountains. I am looking forward to seeing you in Fukushima.

  • 地域通譯案內士

阿部 美津子

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  • 英文

I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.

  • 日本文化
  • 歷史、武士
  • 復興相關
  • 飲食文化
  • 山區健行
  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域