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Search Result 78 Entries

¥5000Hourly rate

Takashi Onuma

  • 英文
  • 日文

I would like to show you ordinally life in Fukushima and Japan. I can tell you foods,views and etc that you can`t get them with general Travel tour. I can show you special historic places.

  • 日本文化
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 會津區域
  • 中心區域

Akira Atsuumi

  • 日文
  • 英文


  • 歷史、武士
  • 山區健行
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域
¥3500Hourly rate

Yoonmi Jung

  • 日文
  • 韓文

안녕하세요. 정윤미입니다.
후쿠시마현을 기점으로,
인연을 소중하게 생각하며 가이드를 하겠습니다.
저에게도 찬스를 주시길 부탁드립니다.

  • 日本文化
  • 歷史、武士
  • 復興相關
  • 農業
  • 飲食文化
  • 山區健行
  • 雪上活動
  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域
¥2500Hourly rate

Yukari Itakura

  • 英文
  • 日文

Welcome to Fukushima! 
Fukushima is very famous for its beautiful nature, delicious SAKE, and fruits. I would like to introduce nice people and places here. We can enjoy the Japanese Incense Ceremony, Tea ceremony, visiting some historical places or Onsens and making Kokeshi dolls together.
Please enjoy your stay in Fukushima and make your trip very special!
I also introduce some interesting Japanese culture courses ( ex: making sachets ).
Feel free to contact me!

  • 日本文化
  • 歷史、武士
  • 復興相關
  • 飲食文化
  • 山區健行
  • 雪上活動
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域
¥3000Hourly rate

Naomi Sato

  • 英文
  • 日文

I am a registered National Tour Guide (English). It has been my pleasures to show people this wonderful corner of Japan where every turn and every day brings a new experience. I am able to tailor tours to your individual needs and interests. There are many hidden gems waiting to be discovered here: hot springs, local gourmet, traditional festivals, tranquil tea houses, new technology, zen experience and local people. Look forward to seeing you soon.

I can also help you switch your foreign vehicle licence to a Japanese licence.

  • 日本文化
  • 農業
  • 飲食文化
  • 山區健行
  • 雪上活動
  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域

Michiyo Kainuma

  • 日文
  • 英文

I was born and bred in
Fukushima. I have more than 8 years of experience as an interpreter and guide.
Fukushima boasts its beautiful nature, wonderful history, culture, and warm-hearted people. I would like to introduce all of this to every visitor from abroad while letting them enjoy their trip.
I also want to convey Fukushima’s current situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake. We are going forward into our bright future.

  • 全國通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域

Tadaaki Niitsuma

  • 日文
  • 英文

  • 地域通譯案內士

Ai Andrzejewska

  • 英文
  • 日文

I specialize in quality control of imported medical devices. I have experience as internal interpreter and translator at the drug/medical device manufacturing site in Fukushima, such as translation of SOPs, customer complaints, QMS, plant tour, non-conformances, KAIZEN activity, TÜV SÜD ,ISO and other external/internal audits.
Windows 10、MS Office 2010(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)are available.

  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 沿海區域
  • 中心區域
  • 會津區域
  • 福島的區域

Harada Shinji

  • 英文

  • 全國通譯案內士