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高橋 哲子

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I have registered to more than ten translation companies in Tokyo. I have translated various kinds of fields, including nuclear power, building, civil engineering and welding. My house (already demolished) used to be in No-Go Zone. I’m quite familiar with this area, who runs a hotel for visiting people, for example. In addition, I’ve learned lots of English terms for NPP and its decommission. I am the best person to show around townvisiting people from foreign countries.

  • 全國通譯案內士

河野 義樹

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Born and raised in Fukushima City. Traveled to 21 countries around the world and visited over 50 cities. I would like you to have wonderful experience in Fukushima like I did in the cities all over the world. Let me help you find the attractions in Fukushima.

  • 地域通譯案內士

林 晋作

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Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.

  • 全國通譯案內士

松本 修治

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I am good at outdoor activity such as camping, hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, bird watching and ski. (ski : good at instruction for kids and beginners) I am a pilot of small airplane & helicopter. So, I have a knowledge of aviation. My Facebook page is so called bilingual. I disclose my posts to public partially. I have over 130 foreign friends on FB. Keeping in touch with them frequently.

  • 全國通譯案內士

吉田 勝美

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I csn explain about Japanese manufacturing management method as an experienced engineer, as well as guide you to historical places associated with Samurai, one of features of Fukushima. I also speak Korean (lived in Korea for 5 years).

  • 全國通譯案內士

飯塚 善昭

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  • 日本文化
  • 地域通譯案內士
  • 會津區域

山崎 幸司

  • 英文
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I lived in various parts of Fukushima prefecture due to my work. So I will show you around Fukushima by car. I’m sure I can go along with your wishes.

  • 地域通譯案內士

住田 隆

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  • 日文

  • 全國通譯案內士

古川 美和

  • 英文
  • 日文

Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.

  • 地域通譯案內士