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阿部 美津子
- 日文
- 英文
I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.
- 日本文化
- 歷史、武士
- 復興相關
- 飲食文化
- 山區健行
- 全國通譯案內士
- 沿海區域
- 中心區域
- 會津區域
- 福島的區域
住田 隆
- 英文
- 日文
- 全國通譯案內士
黒井 弘子 (くろい ひろこ)
- 英文
- 日文
With the experience of taking care of foreign students from all over the world in the university, I'd love to introduce many aspects of Japan, including subculture, places for animal lovers and incredibly beautiful scenery in Fukushima and Tohoku (northeastern part of Japan). I am sure you can enjoy not only mainstream sightseeing spots, but also unique places in Tohoku where old traditions are cherished amidst cutting-edge technologies.
- 農業
- 復興相關
- 地域通譯案內士
- 會津區域
- 中心區域
- 沿海區域
- 福島的區域
高橋 哲子
- 英文
- 日文
I have registered to more than ten translation companies in Tokyo. I have translated various kinds of fields, including nuclear power, building, civil engineering and welding. My house (already demolished) used to be in No-Go Zone. I’m quite familiar with this area, who runs a hotel for visiting people, for example. In addition, I’ve learned lots of English terms for NPP and its decommission. I am the best person to show around townvisiting people from foreign countries.
- 全國通譯案內士
平野 二美子
- 英文
- 日文
I’d like to show them around Aizu-area and Naka-dori area. Also, I’d like them to know how beautiful Japanese countryside and people living there.
- 飲食文化
- 歷史、武士
- 日本文化
- 全國通譯案內士
- 會津區域
- 中心區域
鷲谷 恭子
- 英文
- 日文
Tokyo can be easily reached in just 77minutes by a bullet train from Koriyama, so you are free to go anywhere while enjoying your stay in Fukushima Prefecture. I do my best to meet your demands for free selection.
- 地域通譯案內士
塩田 正宏
- 英文
- 日文
I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.
- 全國通譯案內士
中西 勉
- 英文
- 日文
I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.
- 全國通譯案內士
山田 敦代
- 英文
- 日文
Fukushima has much to offer. I would love to assist your trip in Fukushima, hope your stay will be happy and memorable one.
- 地域通譯案內士