Fukushima Guide Interpreter Search Site

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Search Result 78 Entries

Michiyo Kainuma貝沼 実千代

  • Japanese
  • English

I was born and bred in
Fukushima. I have more than 8 years of experience as an interpreter and guide.
Fukushima boasts its beautiful nature, wonderful history, culture, and warm-hearted people. I would like to introduce all of this to every visitor from abroad while letting them enjoy their trip.
I also want to convey Fukushima’s current situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake. We are going forward into our bright future.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

美谷 真由美

  • English
  • Japanese

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

林 晋作

  • English
  • Japanese

Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

Kumiko ASAKURA朝倉久美子

  • English
  • Japanese

As the president of “Omotenashi Guide Fukushima” interpreter-guide group, I have planned and executed monthly study sessions and local tours to upgrade fellow members’skills over the past few years. Interested in history, art, international relations, and completed higher education in the US, I am thrilled to tailor your trip to Fukushima prefecture. Work experience as a marketing and CRM specialist with a US state office, a film distribution company and international (US, UK, Italian) publishers.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥2500Hourly rate

平野 二美子

  • English
  • Japanese

I’d like to show them around Aizu-area and Naka-dori area. Also, I’d like them to know how beautiful Japanese countryside and people living there.

  • Food Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Japanese Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area
  • Central Area

渡邊 久美子

  • English
  • Japanese

I'll guide you to some hot spring resorts,try fruit picking and Hanamiyama-park.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

塩田 正宏

  • English
  • Japanese

I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
¥5000Hourly rate

Takashi Onuma大沼 隆

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like to show you ordinally life in Fukushima and Japan. I can tell you foods,views and etc that you can`t get them with general Travel tour. I can show you special historic places.

  • Japanese Culture
  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area
  • Central Area

安倍 義典

  • English
  • Japanese

In Fukushima Prefecture, there are buried attractive places and delicious agricultural products which are not widely known due to lack of PR etc. Therefore I would like to discover a lot of these things and transmit the charm of Fukushima to Foreigners Visiting Japan.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides