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Ogai Rumiko大谷 留美子
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- Japanese
I worked for the Minamisoma International Association on March 11th 2011. After the earthquake disaster, I confirmed the safety of foreigners living in the city and told the evacuated citizens about the situation of the town through webpage. I also evacuated to Miyagi, but I was able to use the lifeline at my home safely, so I returned home in about one week. I am currently a coastal field partner.
I can take you to Hamadori area.
- Japanese Culture
- Reconstruction-related
- Food Culture
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
Yoonmi JUNGチョン ユンミ
- Japanese
- Korean
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥3750Hourly rate
YAWATARI Toshihiro矢渡俊博
- chinese
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- Reconstruction-related
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
宗像 竜司
- chinese
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- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
城坂 愛
- chinese
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- Regional Interpreter Guides
大泉 淑栄
- chinese
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- Regional Interpreter Guides
王 愛民
- chinese
- Japanese
- Regional Interpreter Guides
¥3000Hourly rate
澁谷 明希美
- chinese
- Japanese
- Food Culture
- Japanese Culture
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Aizu Area
- Central Area
飛田 立史
- chinese
- Japanese
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides