Fukushima Guide Interpreter Search Site

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灘山 仁美

  • English
  • Japanese

Japan is the one of the wonderful country in the world. Fukushima is a good place to have fun throughout the year. Why don’t enjoy with me?

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
¥2500Hourly rate

佐原 宏信

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like to guide our visitors to appreciate the impressive landscapes, and the traditions & specials in Aizu area. Through our exploration in Aizu, we would share our joyful pastimes, and excitements in fresh experiences in the tours.

  • History・Samurai
  • Japanese Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area

Yoko Nemoto根本 葉子

  • English
  • Japanese

Fukushima has wide variety of attractions: rich nature, mountains and lakes, good sake, tasty dish, Kawaii folk crafts, historical remains, Aizu where last samurai lived.... In the coastal area, there are many facilities related to the Great East Japan Earthequake and Nuclear Disaster.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

川井 範子

  • English
  • Japanese

Iwaki city is located along the coast and has mountains. Here is full of natures. We have some nice shops and restaurants. You could see and try Japanese cultures a lot. I visited some contries and had a good time there. This time I would like to guide you all around Iwaki wherever you would like to visit. I I hope you will have a nice trip in Japan.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
¥3000Hourly rate

Koji NIHEI二瓶 浩治

  • English
  • Japanese

 I’d like my guests to enjoy Japan through sightseeing around Fukushima, eating delicious foods of Japan and drinking Japanese sake. I can help you with either everything of your trip in Japan or part of it, for example, only in Fukushima, around the south area of Tohoku, and so on. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything about your trip. 

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Food Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

野口 繁雄

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like to fully introduce charms of Fukushima to you with heart of hospitality ”Omotenashi”

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

塩田 正宏

  • English
  • Japanese

I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

小室 雅喜

  • English
  • Japanese

Thank you for visiting my site. I live in Yamatsuri, the south end of Fukushima.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area

Kumiko ASAKURA朝倉久美子

  • English
  • Japanese

As the president of “Omotenashi Guide Fukushima” interpreter-guide group, I have planned and executed monthly study sessions and local tours to upgrade fellow members’skills over the past few years. Interested in history, art, international relations, and completed higher education in the US, I am thrilled to tailor your trip to Fukushima prefecture. Work experience as a marketing and CRM specialist with a US state office, a film distribution company and international (US, UK, Italian) publishers.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture