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芳賀 年子
- English
- Japanese
I would like my guests to enjoy walking around alleys and peaceful, historic places in Fukushima City and going on a hike in Ryozen Mountain, one of the New Japan Hundred Noted Mountains. I am looking forward to seeing you in Fukushima.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
北川 智子
- English
- Japanese
I would like you to enjoy a satisfying and real experience in Fukushima. I want to give you a tour that meets your wishes. I will do my best with a smile so that you'll want to visit Fukushima again.Why don't you explore Fukushima? I can help you.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
Kumiko ASAKURA朝倉久美子
- English
- Japanese
As the president of “Omotenashi Guide Fukushima” interpreter-guide group, I have planned and executed monthly study sessions and local tours to upgrade fellow members’skills over the past few years. Interested in history, art, international relations, and completed higher education in the US, I am thrilled to tailor your trip to Fukushima prefecture. Work experience as a marketing and CRM specialist with a US state office, a film distribution company and international (US, UK, Italian) publishers.
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
Shizuko Yamaki八巻 静子
- English
- Regional Interpreter Guides
古川 美和
- English
- Japanese
Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
酒井 蓉子
- English
- Japanese
I'd like to guide the guests to the various sight-seeing spots with natural beauty, hisorical back-ground, some hot springs, and also let them enjoy local dishes. I hope they will be interested in the culture of Koriyama, such as music or literatur, etc. becaise Koriyama is called music city.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
平野 二美子
- English
- Japanese
I’d like to show them around Aizu-area and Naka-dori area. Also, I’d like them to know how beautiful Japanese countryside and people living there.
- Food Culture
- History・Samurai
- Japanese Culture
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Aizu Area
- Central Area
山寺 四郎
- English
- Japanese
I am very interested in Tour Guiding for foreigners. Because I like travel all over the world and I learned how to do the tour guide. For example I have been traveling south Asia (included south east Asia), Europe, Africa, North & South America. Basically I travel alone. In such places, I have joined a tour group there, and learned technique of how to guide from tour guides. Of course, in Japan I did it too. In these reasons, I would like to get a chance of tour guide and give foreigners "HOW WONDERFUL FUKUSHIMA & JAPAN" IS.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
河野 義樹
- English
- Japanese
Born and raised in Fukushima City. Traveled to 21 countries around the world and visited over 50 cities. I would like you to have wonderful experience in Fukushima like I did in the cities all over the world. Let me help you find the attractions in Fukushima.
- Regional Interpreter Guides