Fukushima Guide Interpreter Search Site

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阿部 美津子

  • Japanese
  • English

I was born in Aizu. I live in Fukushima city.
I would like to show you around Fukushima.
Fukushima has beautiful nature, delicious food, and various kinds of hot springs. More than anything, warm hearted people in Fukushima are waiting for you.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Trekking
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

Yoko Nemoto根本 葉子

  • English
  • Japanese

Fukushima has wide variety of attractions: rich nature, mountains and lakes, good sake, tasty dish, Kawaii folk crafts, historical remains, Aizu where last samurai lived.... In the coastal area, there are many facilities related to the Great East Japan Earthequake and Nuclear Disaster.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

芳賀 年子

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like my guests to enjoy walking around alleys and peaceful, historic places in Fukushima City and going on a hike in Ryozen Mountain, one of the New Japan Hundred Noted Mountains. I am looking forward to seeing you in Fukushima.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
¥3000Hourly rate

Koji NIHEI二瓶 浩治

  • English
  • Japanese

 I’d like my guests to enjoy Japan through sightseeing around Fukushima, eating delicious foods of Japan and drinking Japanese sake. I can help you with either everything of your trip in Japan or part of it, for example, only in Fukushima, around the south area of Tohoku, and so on. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything about your trip. 

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Food Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

渡邊 久美子

  • English
  • Japanese

I'll guide you to some hot spring resorts,try fruit picking and Hanamiyama-park.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

中西 勉

  • English
  • Japanese

I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

Tadaaki Niitsuma新妻 唯昭

  • Japanese
  • English

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

Ogai Rumiko大谷 留美子

  • English
  • Japanese

I worked for the Minamisoma International Association on March 11th 2011. After the earthquake disaster, I confirmed the safety of foreigners living in the city and told the evacuated citizens about the situation of the town through webpage. I also evacuated to Miyagi, but I was able to use the lifeline at my home safely, so I returned home in about one week. I am currently a coastal field partner.
I can take you to Hamadori area.

  • Japanese Culture
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area

佐野 安須佐

  • English
  • Japanese

I have the following certificates : Tour conductor, Oze Nature Guide, Travel service Supervisor. Minami Aizu region has many sightseeing spots with rich nature.“Oouchijuku”was a post-station during the time of the Samurai.Oze National Park with plenty of alpine plants is a perfect for hiking. I look forward to showing you around!

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area