Fukushima Guide Interpreter Search Site

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Search Result 78 Entries

藍原 寛子

  • English
  • Japanese

A journalist worked for local newspaper for 20 years, and licensed research administrative secretary in Charge of Policy for the diet member. Specialized Professional research about Great East Japan Earthquakes/ Disaster, social issues (history, ecology, local economics, medicine, local culture, local government/ governance, administrative issue, population decline, and human rights) as a Fukushima native. Fulbrighter (2005 U of Miami) and Master of Public Policy and Regional Administration. An experienced research fixer for Universities, Medias, and others.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

黒井 弘子 (くろい ひろこ)

  • English
  • Japanese

With the experience of taking care of foreign students from all over the world in the university, I'd love to introduce many aspects of Japan, including subculture, places for animal lovers and incredibly beautiful scenery in Fukushima and Tohoku (northeastern part of Japan). I am sure you can enjoy not only mainstream sightseeing spots, but also unique places in Tohoku where old traditions are cherished amidst cutting-edge technologies.

  • Agriculture
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area
  • Central Area
  • Coastal Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥7000Hourly rate

Teruo Watanabe(Geef Fukushima), GEEF:Fukushima Tourism Guide.JAPAN渡辺 光男(ワタナベテルオ) ,GEEF:ふくしまツアリズムガイド.JP

  • Japanese
  • English

-The Professional Guide skill Interpreter. (Not hobby, not side work of avocation. ).All area of Japan and over sea acceptable.
- Australian National Full Guide certificate(IV)= International Guide,Japan specialist as Australian Tourism industry.
-The Geologist, scientist who can guide. Disaster prevention officer, Radiation specialist Certificate.
-Tourism manager( international ), Tour conductor( international ) as Japanese Tourism government.
- Master degree of Science and Arts.
- The guest will have exclusive interests of Scientific sense by the guide.
I can accept private, group and general tourism.
I'm ideal talent for Study Tours and proper for fieldwork's coordinator & attendants
-City of Residence: Koriyama , Near Rail ST:JR-Koriyama (Tohoku shinkansen)
- Private driver acceptable.( Extra charge )

**Please copy & past the URL to address bar of your browser .
**以下のホームページアドレスを ブラウザのアドレス窓にコピーペーストしてください。

-Brand > GEEF:Fukushima Tourism Guide.JAPAN
HP> http://geef.a.la9.jp/
Email> geef_office@yahoo.co.jp /teruo27@nifty.com
-Guide Sign> http://geef.a.la9.jp/nifty/tel.html

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Agriculture
  • Healthcare・Science・Technology
  • Food Culture
  • Trekking
  • Snow Activity
  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

阿部 恵美子

  • English
  • Japanese

I have been a guide of private & group tours. I’d like to introduce unique places in Tohoku and all over Japan. I like walking including hiking and town walks. I am a member of a local history group. I will also help you plan a trip. Please feel free to contact me.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

Masahiro KAWAGISHI川岸 正寛

  • English

I am working in a chemical company living in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. I will do my best to prepare in advance, and I hope to be a friendly guide that everyone will enjoy.

Although I am originally from Osaka, I am fascinated by Fukushima's abundant nature such as mountains, rivers, and lakes, its history and culture unique to Tohoku, and its warm-hearted people. I would be very happy if I could share the charm of Fukushima with you all.
I look forward to traveling with you!

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Healthcare・Science・Technology
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area

三森 和義

  • English
  • Japanese

I am a human being who loves foreigners. Regardless of country, region, age, sex, we will respond to everyone with my spirit of hospitality. I will guide you so that you can easily understand the traditions and culture of Fukushima that is not listed in the guidebook that I cultivated in my long local life.

  • Regional Interpreter Guides
¥2500Hourly rate

Yukari Itakura板倉 ゆかり

  • English
  • Japanese

Welcome to Fukushima! 
Fukushima is very famous for its beautiful nature, delicious SAKE, and fruits. I would like to introduce nice people and places here. We can enjoy the Japanese Incense Ceremony, Tea ceremony, visiting some historical places or Onsens and making Kokeshi dolls together.
Please enjoy your stay in Fukushima and make your trip very special!
I also introduce some interesting Japanese culture courses ( ex: making sachets ).
Feel free to contact me!

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Trekking
  • Snow Activity
  • Regional Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥2500Hourly rate

佐原 宏信

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like to guide our visitors to appreciate the impressive landscapes, and the traditions & specials in Aizu area. Through our exploration in Aizu, we would share our joyful pastimes, and excitements in fresh experiences in the tours.

  • History・Samurai
  • Japanese Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Aizu Area

久保木 信子

  • Japanese
  • English

I was born in Aizu and live in Fukushima city now.
I have guided several kinds of tours, including private tours, group tours, and so on.
Actually I can boast that Fukushima is national leader when it comes to many goods, food, sake, services, historical sites, and scenic beauty, etc.
I would love to escort tourists around must-see places, and assist them to gain special and memorable experiences that only Fukushima can offer.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Food Culture
  • Trekking
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture