Fukushima Guide Interpreter Search Site

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灘山 仁美

  • English
  • Japanese

Japan is the one of the wonderful country in the world. Fukushima is a good place to have fun throughout the year. Why don’t enjoy with me?

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

高橋 哲子

  • English
  • Japanese

I have registered to more than ten translation companies in Tokyo. I have translated various kinds of fields, including nuclear power, building, civil engineering and welding. My house (already demolished) used to be in No-Go Zone. I’m quite familiar with this area, who runs a hotel for visiting people, for example. In addition, I’ve learned lots of English terms for NPP and its decommission. I am the best person to show around townvisiting people from foreign countries.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
¥3000Hourly rate

Mikio Kainuma貝沼 幹夫

  • English
  • Japanese

I would like to guide you through a wide variety of sightseeing spots in Fukushima. Fukushima is full of interesting things to discover; such as beautiful nature, dramatic history, delicious food and sake, and many hot springs. You can also enjoy looking around traditional craft ateliers and art museums. I look forward to your visit to Fukushima. Please feel free to contact me.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Trekking
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

美谷 真由美

  • English
  • Japanese

  • Regional Interpreter Guides

Yoko Nemoto根本 葉子

  • English
  • Japanese

Fukushima has wide variety of attractions: rich nature, mountains and lakes, good sake, tasty dish, Kawaii folk crafts, historical remains, Aizu where last samurai lived.... In the coastal area, there are many facilities related to the Great East Japan Earthequake and Nuclear Disaster.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Reconstruction-related
  • Food Culture
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

Harada Shinji原田 眞二

  • English

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

中西 勉

  • English
  • Japanese

I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.

  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides

久保木 信子

  • Japanese
  • English

I was born in Aizu and live in Fukushima city now.
I have guided several kinds of tours, including private tours, group tours, and so on.
Actually I can boast that Fukushima is national leader when it comes to many goods, food, sake, services, historical sites, and scenic beauty, etc.
I would love to escort tourists around must-see places, and assist them to gain special and memorable experiences that only Fukushima can offer.

  • Japanese Culture
  • History・Samurai
  • Food Culture
  • Trekking
  • Nationwide Interpreter Guides
  • Coastal Area
  • Central Area
  • Aizu Area
  • All areas of Fukushima Prefecture

菅野 純子

  • English
  • Japanese

“Come and Feel FUKUSHIMA,, the spiritual land “ It is more than an ordinary trip to Fukushima . And you will find that you are enjoying communicating with the various energy of the lands. It is a trip of feeling the energy of the place and the nature. You will enjoy meeting people who love Fukushima . Your trip will be special and will be a gift in your life .

  • Regional Interpreter Guides