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Mayumi Mitani美谷 真由美
- English
- Japanese
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
山寺 四郎
- English
- Japanese
I am very interested in Tour Guiding for foreigners. Because I like travel all over the world and I learned how to do the tour guide. For example I have been traveling south Asia (included south east Asia), Europe, Africa, North & South America. Basically I travel alone. In such places, I have joined a tour group there, and learned technique of how to guide from tour guides. Of course, in Japan I did it too. In these reasons, I would like to get a chance of tour guide and give foreigners "HOW WONDERFUL FUKUSHIMA & JAPAN" IS.
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
Naomi Sato佐藤 直美
- English
- Japanese
I am a registered National Tour Guide (English). It has been my pleasures to show people this wonderful corner of Japan where every turn and every day brings a new experience. I am able to tailor tours to your individual needs and interests. There are many hidden gems waiting to be discovered here: hot springs, local gourmet, traditional festivals, tranquil tea houses, new technology, zen experience and local people. Look forward to seeing you soon.
I can also help you switch your foreign vehicle licence to a Japanese licence.
- Japanese Culture
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Healthcare・Science・Technology
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
川井 範子
- English
- Japanese
Iwaki city is located along the coast and has mountains. Here is full of natures. We have some nice shops and restaurants. You could see and try Japanese cultures a lot. I visited some contries and had a good time there. This time I would like to guide you all around Iwaki wherever you would like to visit. I I hope you will have a nice trip in Japan.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
Eiko Ogura小椋 瑛子
- chinese
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Healthcare・Science・Technology
- Food Culture
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
Li liyan李 莉岩
- chinese
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Healthcare・Science・Technology
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Snow Activity
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
Yoonmi JUNGチョン ユンミ
- Japanese
- Korean
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
Tetsuji Mito水戸 哲司
I'm living in Tokyo now. I can't guide you in Fukushima,but I can introduce Fukushima to some extent in Tokyo because of living experience for 4 years in Fukushima. I want to communicate with you to improve my English skills. Therefore fee is free to communicate with you. Thank you.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
Saito Sachiko斎藤 幸子
- chinese
- Regional Interpreter Guides