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川井 範子
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- Japanese
Iwaki city is located along the coast and has mountains. Here is full of natures. We have some nice shops and restaurants. You could see and try Japanese cultures a lot. I visited some contries and had a good time there. This time I would like to guide you all around Iwaki wherever you would like to visit. I I hope you will have a nice trip in Japan.
- Regional Interpreter Guides
Yoonmi JUNGチョン ユンミ
- Japanese
- Korean
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Food Culture
- Trekking
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥3750Hourly rate
YAWATARI Toshihiro矢渡俊博
- chinese
- Japanese
- Reconstruction-related
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
¥5000Hourly rate
余 翠珍(大内 翠)
- chinese
- Japanese
- Japanese Culture
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Food Culture
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Aizu Area
- Central Area
- Coastal Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
¥4000Hourly rate
佐藤 礼奈(박 례나)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Japanese Culture
- History・Samurai
- Reconstruction-related
- Agriculture
- Food Culture
- Snow Activity
- Regional Interpreter Guides
- Coastal Area
- Central Area
- Aizu Area
- All areas of Fukushima Prefecture
飛田 立史
- chinese
- Japanese
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
大泉 淑栄
- chinese
- Japanese
- Regional Interpreter Guides
宗像 竜司
- chinese
- Japanese
- Nationwide Interpreter Guides
王 愛民
- chinese
- Japanese
- Regional Interpreter Guides