후쿠시마 통역 가이드 검색 사이트

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Kumiko ASAKURA朝倉久美子

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As the president of “Omotenashi Guide Fukushima” interpreter-guide group, I have planned and executed monthly study sessions and local tours to upgrade fellow members’skills over the past few years. Interested in history, art, international relations, and completed higher education in the US, I am thrilled to tailor your trip to Fukushima prefecture. Work experience as a marketing and CRM specialist with a US state office, a film distribution company and international (US, UK, Italian) publishers.

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역

Masahiro KAWAGISHI川岸 正寛

  • 영어

I am working in a chemical company living in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. I will do my best to prepare in advance, and I hope to be a friendly guide that everyone will enjoy.

Although I am originally from Osaka, I am fascinated by Fukushima's abundant nature such as mountains, rivers, and lakes, its history and culture unique to Tohoku, and its warm-hearted people. I would be very happy if I could share the charm of Fukushima with you all.
I look forward to traveling with you!

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 의료,과학, 기술
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역

Kazuko Yoshida吉田 和子

  • 영어

  • 지역 통역 안내사

SHIGA Mikiko志賀 美貴子

  • 영어

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역
¥3000Hourly rate

Ogawa Takeshi小川 武

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  • 일본어

I would like to guide you to enjoy the beautiful nature, attractive culture and interesting history of Fukushima. It is my pleasure to make your trip happier in Fukushima.
Kunimi Town, Koori Town, Fukushima City, Date City, Kawamata Town, Nihonmatsu City, Otama Village, Motomiya City, mainly in the northern part of the prefecture, the flowers of the four seasons, temples and shrines, museums, cafeterias loved by locals, etc. I will guide you and help you enjoy Fukushima.

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역
¥3000Hourly rate

Mikio Kainuma貝沼 幹夫

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  • 일본어

I would like to guide you through a wide variety of sightseeing spots in Fukushima. Fukushima is full of interesting things to discover; such as beautiful nature, dramatic history, delicious food and sake, and many hot springs. You can also enjoy looking around traditional craft ateliers and art museums. I look forward to your visit to Fukushima. Please feel free to contact me.

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 트레킹
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역
¥3500Hourly rate

Go EZAKI江崎 豪

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  • 일본어

Hello. My name is Go Ezaki. I live in Iwaki city, Fukushima. I used to stay in Auckland for a year and half. I will show you great sights of Japan centering on northern Kanto and southern Tohoku areas with love and sincerity. I can deal with your plan such as one day trip from Tokyo. My hobbies are gardening and listening Jazz music. I am a big fan of Hirotaka Izumi, a proficient pianist.

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 트레킹
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역

Ogai Rumiko大谷 留美子

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  • 일본어

I worked for the Minamisoma International Association on March 11th 2011. After the earthquake disaster, I confirmed the safety of foreigners living in the city and told the evacuated citizens about the situation of the town through webpage. I also evacuated to Miyagi, but I was able to use the lifeline at my home safely, so I returned home in about one week. I am currently a coastal field partner.
I can take you to Hamadori area.

  • 일본 문화
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
¥3750Hourly rate

YAWATARI Toshihiro矢渡俊博

  • 중국어
  • 일본어

  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역