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Search Result 84 Entries
¥2500Hourly rate
佐原 宏信
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I would like to guide our visitors to appreciate the impressive landscapes, and the traditions & specials in Aizu area. Through our exploration in Aizu, we would share our joyful pastimes, and excitements in fresh experiences in the tours.
- 역사, 사무라이
- 일본 문화
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 아이즈 지역
酒井 蓉子
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- 일본어
I'd like to guide the guests to the various sight-seeing spots with natural beauty, hisorical back-ground, some hot springs, and also let them enjoy local dishes. I hope they will be interested in the culture of Koriyama, such as music or literatur, etc. becaise Koriyama is called music city.
- 지역 통역 안내사
飛田 立史
- 중국어
- 일본어
- 전국 통역 안내사