후쿠시마 통역 가이드 검색 사이트

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Ogai Rumiko大谷 留美子

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I worked for the Minamisoma International Association on March 11th 2011. After the earthquake disaster, I confirmed the safety of foreigners living in the city and told the evacuated citizens about the situation of the town through webpage. I also evacuated to Miyagi, but I was able to use the lifeline at my home safely, so I returned home in about one week. I am currently a coastal field partner.
I can take you to Hamadori area.

  • 일본 문화
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
¥3000Hourly rate

Koji NIHEI二瓶 浩治

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 I’d like my guests to enjoy Japan through sightseeing around Fukushima, eating delicious foods of Japan and drinking Japanese sake. I can help you with either everything of your trip in Japan or part of it, for example, only in Fukushima, around the south area of Tohoku, and so on. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything about your trip. 

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 식문화
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역

Harada Shinji原田 眞二

  • 영어

  • 전국 통역 안내사

GOTO Masako後藤 正子

  • 영어

Hello! I’m here to assist you in exploring the footsteps of writers and poets connected to Fukushima Prefecture, including the renowned Matsuo Basho.
I can also provide support in Polish (please note that I am not a certified Polish tour guide, so my role will be limited to interpretation only).
If you need an interpreter when welcoming guests from Poland, feel free to reach out. I look forward to helping you!

  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역
¥5000Hourly rate

Takashi Onuma大沼 隆

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I would like to show you ordinally life in Fukushima and Japan. I can tell you foods,views and etc that you can`t get them with general Travel tour. I can show you special historic places.

  • 일본 문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 중심 지역

Tetsuji Mito水戸 哲司

I'm living in Tokyo now. I can't guide you in Fukushima,but I can introduce Fukushima to some extent in Tokyo because of living experience for 4 years in Fukushima. I want to communicate with you to improve my English skills. Therefore fee is free to communicate with you. Thank you.

  • 지역 통역 안내사
¥3000Hourly rate

Ogawa Takeshi小川 武

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I would like to guide you to enjoy the beautiful nature, attractive culture and interesting history of Fukushima. It is my pleasure to make your trip happier in Fukushima.
Kunimi Town, Koori Town, Fukushima City, Date City, Kawamata Town, Nihonmatsu City, Otama Village, Motomiya City, mainly in the northern part of the prefecture, the flowers of the four seasons, temples and shrines, museums, cafeterias loved by locals, etc. I will guide you and help you enjoy Fukushima.

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역

Kuwada Katsuko桑田 カツ子

  • 일본어
  • 영어

  • 일본 문화
  • 식문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
¥5000Hourly rate

Miyuki ISHIDA石田 美由紀

  • 일본어
  • 영어

  • 일본 문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 후쿠시마 재건 관련
  • 식문화
  • 트레킹
  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 해안 지역
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 후쿠시마 지역