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澁谷 明希美

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  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 중심 지역

青山 由美

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Hello, I am Yumi, but some call me "yummy". Like this nickname, I love eating and cooking. Of course I like traveling. Most of all, I love to take train trips and eat local food while enjoying the natural scenery from the train window. I also like to travel to histrical places. I want to show you how to enjoy them. I hope you can enjoy delicious food, beautiful landscapes, and unique culture while staying in Japan. So, let me help your wonderful trip. You will enjoy traveling with me! See you soon!

  • 식문화
  • 역사, 사무라이
  • 일본 문화
  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 아이즈 지역
  • 중심 지역

城坂 愛

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

平林 丈彦

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In addition to the proper sight-seeing spots in Fukushima,I would like to guide you to the mountaineering and trekking around Mt.BANDAI,OZE,marsh high land with full of alpine flowers and Mt.Adatara through the year,as a menber of Japanese ALPINE club. Let's enjoy the nature life of Fukushima with me in every season.

  • 지역 통역 안내사

山田 敦代

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Fukushima has much to offer. I would love to assist your trip in Fukushima, hope your stay will be happy and memorable one.

  • 지역 통역 안내사

美谷 真由美

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

古川 美和

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Born in Yamagata prefecture and raised up in Fukushima prefecture, TOHOKU, North East of JAPAN. Explore the next trip, TOHOKU. Touch the HEART of TOHOKU MAN.

  • 지역 통역 안내사

林 晋作

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Hi, I'm Shinsaku Hayashi. I have worked for an airline company and have been teaching English at a language school for students. These experiences gave me much knowledge about Japanese history, regional information and culture. I am really eager to meet the demand of those who can count on me. I will be happy to help you.

  • 전국 통역 안내사

藍原 寛子

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A journalist worked for local newspaper for 20 years, and licensed research administrative secretary in Charge of Policy for the diet member. Specialized Professional research about Great East Japan Earthquakes/ Disaster, social issues (history, ecology, local economics, medicine, local culture, local government/ governance, administrative issue, population decline, and human rights) as a Fukushima native. Fulbrighter (2005 U of Miami) and Master of Public Policy and Regional Administration. An experienced research fixer for Universities, Medias, and others.

  • 지역 통역 안내사