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越智 百合

  • 중국어
  • 일본어

  • 지역 통역 안내사

城坂 愛

  • 중국어
  • 일본어

  • 지역 통역 안내사

石田 美由紀

  • 일본어
  • 영어

  • 전국 통역 안내사
  • 지역 통역 안내사

高橋 哲子

  • 영어
  • 일본어

I have registered to more than ten translation companies in Tokyo. I have translated various kinds of fields, including nuclear power, building, civil engineering and welding. My house (already demolished) used to be in No-Go Zone. I’m quite familiar with this area, who runs a hotel for visiting people, for example. In addition, I’ve learned lots of English terms for NPP and its decommission. I am the best person to show around townvisiting people from foreign countries.

  • 전국 통역 안내사

小室 雅喜

  • 영어
  • 일본어

Thank you for visiting my site. I live in Yamatsuri, the south end of Fukushima.

  • 지역 통역 안내사
  • 중심 지역
  • 아이즈 지역

藍原 寛子

  • 영어
  • 일본어

A journalist worked for local newspaper for 20 years, and licensed research administrative secretary in Charge of Policy for the diet member. Specialized Professional research about Great East Japan Earthquakes/ Disaster, social issues (history, ecology, local economics, medicine, local culture, local government/ governance, administrative issue, population decline, and human rights) as a Fukushima native. Fulbrighter (2005 U of Miami) and Master of Public Policy and Regional Administration. An experienced research fixer for Universities, Medias, and others.

  • 지역 통역 안내사

塩田 正宏

  • 영어
  • 일본어

I intend to guide according to my guest's wishes. At the same time I will do my best to let them Japan's present state and Fukushima's.

  • 전국 통역 안내사

王 愛民

  • 중국어
  • 일본어

  • 지역 통역 안내사

灘山 仁美

  • 영어
  • 일본어

Japan is the one of the wonderful country in the world. Fukushima is a good place to have fun throughout the year. Why don’t enjoy with me?

  • 지역 통역 안내사