후쿠시마 통역 가이드 검색 사이트

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中西 勉

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I used to work for Fukushima through banking business for many years. Conquering disasters in 2011, Fukushima still attracts people to its glamour. I’ll be pleased to show you the existing state of my homeland.

  • 전국 통역 안내사

王 愛民

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

野口 繁雄

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I would like to fully introduce charms of Fukushima to you with heart of hospitality ”Omotenashi”

  • 지역 통역 안내사

美谷 真由美

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

桑田 カツ子

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

吉田 勝美

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I csn explain about Japanese manufacturing management method as an experienced engineer, as well as guide you to historical places associated with Samurai, one of features of Fukushima. I also speak Korean (lived in Korea for 5 years).

  • 전국 통역 안내사

藍原 寛子

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A journalist worked for local newspaper for 20 years, and licensed research administrative secretary in Charge of Policy for the diet member. Specialized Professional research about Great East Japan Earthquakes/ Disaster, social issues (history, ecology, local economics, medicine, local culture, local government/ governance, administrative issue, population decline, and human rights) as a Fukushima native. Fulbrighter (2005 U of Miami) and Master of Public Policy and Regional Administration. An experienced research fixer for Universities, Medias, and others.

  • 지역 통역 안내사

城坂 愛

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  • 지역 통역 안내사

宗像 竜司

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  • 전국 통역 안내사