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Koji NIHEI二瓶 浩治
- 영어
- 일본어
I’d like my guests to enjoy Japan through sightseeing around Fukushima, eating delicious foods of Japan and drinking Japanese sake. I can help you with either everything of your trip in Japan or part of it, for example, only in Fukushima, around the south area of Tohoku, and so on. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything about your trip.
- 일본 문화
- 역사, 사무라이
- 식문화
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역
Mayumi Mitani美谷 真由美
- 영어
- 일본어
- 지역 통역 안내사
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
SHIGA Mikiko志賀 美貴子
- 영어
- 일본 문화
- 역사, 사무라이
- 후쿠시마 재건 관련
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역
Michiyo Kainuma貝沼 実千代
- 일본어
- 영어
I was born and bred in
Fukushima. I have more than 8 years of experience as an interpreter and guide.
Fukushima boasts its beautiful nature, wonderful history, culture, and warm-hearted people. I would like to introduce all of this to every visitor from abroad while letting them enjoy their trip.
I also want to convey Fukushima’s current situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake. We are going forward into our bright future.
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역
Kumiko ASAKURA朝倉久美子
- 영어
- 일본어
As the president of “Omotenashi Guide Fukushima” interpreter-guide group, I have planned and executed monthly study sessions and local tours to upgrade fellow members’skills over the past few years. Interested in history, art, international relations, and completed higher education in the US, I am thrilled to tailor your trip to Fukushima prefecture. Work experience as a marketing and CRM specialist with a US state office, a film distribution company and international (US, UK, Italian) publishers.
- 일본 문화
- 역사, 사무라이
- 후쿠시마 재건 관련
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역
Yukari Itakura板倉 ゆかり
- 영어
- 일본어
Welcome to Fukushima!
Fukushima is very famous for its beautiful nature, delicious SAKE, and fruits. I would like to introduce nice people and places here. We can enjoy the Japanese Incense Ceremony, Tea ceremony, visiting some historical places or Onsens and making Kokeshi dolls together.
Please enjoy your stay in Fukushima and make your trip very special!
I also introduce some interesting Japanese culture courses ( ex: making sachets ).
Feel free to contact me!
- 일본 문화
- 역사, 사무라이
- 후쿠시마 재건 관련
- 식문화
- 트레킹
- 눈 활동
- 지역 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역
Saito Sachiko斎藤 幸子
- 중국어
- 지역 통역 안내사
GOTO Masako後藤 正子
- 영어
Hello! I’m here to assist you in exploring the footsteps of writers and poets connected to Fukushima Prefecture, including the renowned Matsuo Basho.
I can also provide support in Polish (please note that I am not a certified Polish tour guide, so my role will be limited to interpretation only).
If you need an interpreter when welcoming guests from Poland, feel free to reach out. I look forward to helping you!
I provide a safe and comfortable guided experience for visitors who sincerely appreciate and respect Japanese culture, traditions, and customs.
However, I strictly decline requests from individuals who deliberately disregard Japan’s laws, ethics, morals, and social norms, or engage in disruptive or illegal activities.
I warmly welcome those who wish to enjoy their stay in Japan in a respectful and responsible manner.
- 지역 통역 안내사
- 중심 지역
Go EZAKI江崎 豪
- 영어
- 일본어
Hello. My name is Go Ezaki. I live in Iwaki city, Fukushima. I used to stay in Auckland for a year and half. I will show you great sights of Japan centering on northern Kanto and southern Tohoku areas with love and sincerity. I can deal with your plan such as one day trip from Tokyo. My hobbies are gardening and listening Jazz music. I am a big fan of Hirotaka Izumi, a proficient pianist.
- 일본 문화
- 역사, 사무라이
- 후쿠시마 재건 관련
- 식문화
- 트레킹
- 전국 통역 안내사
- 해안 지역
- 중심 지역
- 아이즈 지역
- 후쿠시마 지역