Useful Information

People of Fukushima

People of Fukushima

People of Fukushima

Over ten years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster devastated people living along the coastline of the North Eastern region of Japan known as Tohoku. Despite the overwhelming love and support that poured in from around the world, the journey of grieving and overcoming this terrible set of circumstances must have been too great at the time to even imagine a brighter future.

However, today when you visit Fukushima you’ll see people smiling, children laughing, and flowers blooming. The smiles on the faces of the people of Fukushima seem contrary to the hardships they’ve experienced…

It makes one wonder, could this possibly be the same place?

Through their smiles we can begin to understand the story of a people who have overcome difficult circumstances, and continue to stay optimistic and remain motivated to overcome anything that comes their way.

In a relatively short time frame, recovery efforts have progressed greatly. This is largely thanks to the astounding motivation and hard work of local people whose love for their hometowns and communities is extremely touching. Although there is still work to be done, Fukushima is a wonderful prefecture that deserves more love and attention, so I hope that you will keep reading to learn more, and even consider visiting someday.



Tokyo Plus 90

Widely considered to be the gateway to the Tohoku region, Fukushima Prefecture is a land of rich history and abundant nature.

It’s closer that you think, only 90 minutes from Tokyo!

This remote prefecture may seem difficult to reach; however, you can get to Fukushima Station from Tokyo Station in only 90 minutes! From there you can access spectacular historic sights and experience the charms of rural Japan!


Time Travel?

Experience the charms of ancient Japan by visiting the historic sights of Fukushima, many of which have maintained their structures for over 300 years! The Aizu region is the main sight-seeing area of Fukushima Prefecture thanks to the regions large number of preserved historical sights. There is also an abundance of hot springs, natural resources, and historical charm that draw in visitors. This is the area of Fukushima that experienced the least damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake.


Tsurugajo Castle in Aizu-Wakamatsu City

The Tsurgajo Castle was burned to the ground when the age of the samurai came to a violent end after the events of the Boshin War. With great care, the castle was reconstructed from the rubble to honor the valiant warriors who gave their lives to defend the Aizu Clan and her borders. The original stone base tells stories of the past such as etchings of crosses that suggest the existence of Christian groups within the Aizu clan, a rarity at the time.


Visit the frozen castle of the Aizu samurai clan...


During the winter months, the red tinted tiles of the castle roof covered with snow combine with the striking white walls, making the castle appear to be made of ice and snow. A sight that must have been a great source of pride among the samurai citizens of Fukushima!



After vising the former castle town of Aizu-Wakamatsu city, we highly recommend a trip to the one of a kind Ouchi-juku! This beautifully preserved post town once served as a rest stop for samurai travelers who were required to make yearly pilgrimages to the capital of Edo (Modern day Tokyo) during the Edo period (1603-1868).



The town still retains its original thatched roof buildings and atmosphere. The charming local residents are friendly and love to chat with travelers! In fact, all of the inns, cafes, and restaurants are still locally owned and operated by the descendants of the people who lived here hundreds of years ago. Without the presence of modern shops and chain stores, you can feel totally immersed, making it feel as though you’ve slipped back in time.



Enjoy a cup of warm tea & a traditional snack while you soak up the atmosphere.


When you visit, be sure to try a freshly baked rice cracker as well as Ouchi-juku's specialty negi-soba! This fun noodle dish is eaten with a long green onion as a utensil. The streets are lined with different vendors serving up old fashioned Japanese snacks. With so many options, it’s tempting to try them all. Many vendors will offer you tea and a place to sit and soak in the atmosphere of the town. If they aren’t too busy they will almost certainly strike up a conversation with you, whether you speak Japanese or not.




The Suzuki Brewery in Namie Town

Namie Town is located in the coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture known as the Hamadori area. This was one of the areas that suffered tremendous damage during the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Suzuki Sake Brewery used to operate a sake brewery in Namie Town's Ukedo district, this building was located steps from the sea and was physically destroyed by the tsunami wave.



This left the owner of the brewery without a home or a livelihood.


They managed to evacuate with the necessities of the brewery and after the disaster, the brewery was moved to Nagai City to the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture in October 2011 (the same year as the earthquake). Since then, they’ve continued to brew sake with the hope of preserving the traditional sake brewing techniques that had been developed by generations of brewers in Namie Town.



Finally, on March 20, 2021, the brewery was able to return to its hometown of Namie with the opening of a new brewery at the Namie Roadside Station. Here, visitors can watch the Suzuki brewers at work making their delicious sake. They even use locally grown rice to make some of their sake, with a focus on maintaining their hometown flavor.



At the Namie Roadside Station, you can visit the sake brewery and taste their freshly brewed sake. For visitors who don't drink sake, there is also a sake flavored soft serve ice cream that is absolutely delicious. The soft serve comes in a traditional wooden sake cup!

Namie Roadside Station (


Nature’s Candy

These are “Anpo-gaki,” or semi-dried persimmons. This is a healthy and popular traditional sweet from Date City in Fukushima Prefecture. They are dried persimmons with a chewy outer layer and a sweet gelatinous textured interior that is absolutely incredible. The beautiful and distinct orange color (in addition to the superb taste) make it one of the most popular dried persimmon producers in Japan.



Anpo-gaki have a long history that dates back to the Edo period.


Even in ancient times Date City was widely known for its natural abundance of delicious fruits. People used to hang dried persimmons in the sun to preserve them for a longer period of time, the sight of persimmons hanging from private homes was common. However, persimmons lose their beautiful color in the intense light of the sun. So, after many years of careful research and creativity by the local people, they developed a special method of drying persimmons in shaded, open air rafters that help them to maintain their gorgeous orange color and grow in popularity.



When the disaster occurred, local farmers were unable to produce anpo-gaki for many years due to safety concerns. People were concerned that they would lose the tradition of drying persimmons. However, with time and immense efforts from local farmers, they were able to meet strict requirements that deemed the anpo-gaki safe for consumption. Even once the products were tested and found to be safe, due to rumors and fears of radiation, it was difficult to ship products.

Finally, this year, we achieved our long-standing goal of exporting anpo-gaki! Anpo-gaki from Fukushima Prefecture are now available in Dubai. This is a huge achievement and mark of progress for farmers in Date city. Today, people in Date City continue to produce delicious Anpo-gaki while preserving their traditional techniques.

Persimmon Paradise in Date City Blog


Fighting to preserve rural culture in a rapidly urbanizing Japan

The man holding the camera is Mr. Hoshi Kenko. Born and raised in Kanayama Town in the Okuaizu region of Aizu Area, he spends roughly 300 days out of the year photographing his hometown. Thanks in part to his efforts, this beautiful area has become an increasingly popular spot to visit.

In post-war Japan, when urban areas were expanding rapidly, many young people left their hometowns to work in bigger cities. This caused a decrease in the population of the Okuaizu region. This is something that has affected rural communities across Japan and has inspired a sense of crisis for some, including Mr. Hoshi.



Without action, there was fear that the tradition & beauty of the farming villages could be lost forever.


Using his own money, he took it upon himself to do anything he could to preserve the local traditions of coexisting with nature. Through his photography, he raised interest in the area. He also revived a once lost traditional Japanese-style river-boat ferry service known as the Mugenkyo Ferry or Mugenkyo no Watashi. Thanks to Mr. Hoshi and many other highly motivated people in the region, the culture of rural Fukushima is being preserved and the area is becoming more lively.


The Tadami Line

photo by Kenko Hoshi


Still relatively undiscovered by foreign travelers, this is certainly a unique adventure. The views from the train are beautiful no matter the season, but the atmosphere is particularly romantic in winter.

The Tadami Line's No.1 bridge viewpoint became famous in Taiwan and South East Asian countries when a photo of it began to circulate on social media. This incredibly scenic train line runs across the Aizu region and passes through many historic and beautiful areas.


photo by Kenko Hoshi


Part of the JR Tadami Line, which served as a lifeline for the local people was washed away by a major storm that hit the area in the summer of 2011. A bus route was established to complete the route with full restoration predicted to be completed by the end of this year, 2022.


Mugenkyo Ferry (Mugenkyo no Watashi)

The ferry was named " misty gorge" or "Mugenkyo" because it was often shrouded in mist on summer mornings and evenings, creating a dream-like atmosphere. This (now restored) ferry service once connected the now abandoned village Sanzara Village in Kaneyama Town to the other side of the river some 50 years ago. Like private cars, ferry boats like these were used as a part of daily life in the area.

Although the local people were very poor, they were creative & resilient.

Due to volcanic activity, flooding, and landslides they had to relocate their village several times! Each time, however, they adapted and overcame their difficult situations. Continuing to choose a lifestyle that involved coexisting with nature.




The mist enveloping the area is great for photographers, and visitors who want to get a glimpse back into the unique lifestyles of ancient Japan. Here you can glide across the emerald waters, and escape the noise and busyness of modern day life for a moment.


Aizu Lacquerware at Suzuzen

Aizu Lacquerware is one of Japan's three major lacquerware styles. The history of Aizu Lacquerware dates back to the Muromachi period (1336-1573) when it was first used. The natural warmth of the wooden container combines with the soft texture of Aizu Lacquer to create a product that has been widely loved by people for generations.



Mr. Kosae Nakamura, pictured in the center of the photo, is a professional craftsman at Suzuzen, a lacquerware wholesale shop that was established in 1833. He creates lovely designs using “Makie” techniques that involve being finished using gold, silver, or colored dusted designs.

Due to harmful rumors caused by the nuclear power plant accident, the number of tourists to Aizuwakamatsu City decreased for a while. Sales were lower, and he began to worry for his business and the preservation of Aizu Lacquerware.

Despite this, Mr. Nakamura remained positive and explored new options



He thought that he could increase the awareness of maki-e and show others the value of lacquer-ware by teaching the techniques directly to the general public. So today if you visit Suzuzen, you can learn maki-e directly from a master craftsman! This is one way that the culture and traditions of Aizu are being carried into the future.

Maki Painting Lacquerware Experience at Suzuzen


These are just a few stories

The Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster caused enormous damage in many ways, in many areas. In the coastal areas, many lost their loved ones, their homes, and their livelihood. Despite these circumstances, the people of Fukushima Prefecture have proven to be stronger than their challenge. By working together, people have rebuilt their communities and stepped forward into a brighter future.

I want people to know about the real Fukushima Prefecture.

I want people to learn about the real Fukushima Prefecture from the stories of those who live here. Each of us have our own small stories, and we will continue to create new stories together in Fukushima Prefecture. Of course, there are still some areas where people can't go home, but thanks to the support and understanding from people all over the world, each one of us has hope for the future.

Thank you for supporting us, and cheering us on.

If you are interested in learning more or supporting the people of Fukushima, please add Fukushima to your bucket list, come and experience this unique and often misunderstood Japanese Prefecture!


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  1. Destination Spotlight

    Following Fukushima’s Footpath: A Forest Walk in Nishigo

    The tranquil village of Nishigo (西郷村) is situated just west of Shirakawa City, a naturally abundant region at the south of Fukushima Prefecture. We met with a group of community leaders, tour guides and members of the local government to take a Foothpath Tour around its many sights.What is a Footpath Tour?Inspired by the British culture of taking countryside walks in spots of natural greenery, Fukushima Footpath Tours encourage visitors to local areas to wander around and explore the nearby region.In particular, by walking through smaller and lesser known areas, eating at local restaurants, and interacting with town residents, you can play a role in Fukushima's diaster recovery efforts.A big part of the intrigue is visiting an area that people are less likely to frequent than famous tourist sites and discovering interesting places - perfect for people who like taking photos!Although there are self-guided tours available - take a look at our guides for Katsurao and Tamura - our tour featured about twenty visitors, and was led by a local long-term resident.Getting Back to NatureMy outstanding impression of our tour - and this, suitably enough, reminds me of similar walks back in the UK - was the abundance of woodland and the fantastic scenery.Our group worked its way through narrow corridors of beautiful pine trees, the terrain occasionally sloping up into the canopy, and wherever we went, we stumbled on to something interesting. Most striking was when we came to a clearing on the banks of the Abukuma River.We took a break here to take in the scenery. Later, when we shared our opinions of the tour, this was the highlight for many of us, thanks to the calm atmosphere and relaxing sound of the flowing river.Some people took this time to skip stones or try out the tree swing.Hidden TreasuresOne of the benefits of having a local resident show you around is that wherever you go, you can ask questions about the things you stumble across. Our guide also often pointed out local stores and workshops and told us about the crafts or folk art that they specialised in.The deeper we went into the woods, we also found some old abandoned houses, which had an intriguing, eerie atmosphere, and the local Christian church.A Well-Earned RestBy the time we made it back to base camp, we'd been walking for about two hours, doing a loop of the main woodland area of Nishigo. We were starting to run low on energy, making it the perfect time for lunch - our guide had been cooking since before we arrived, and a huge pot of Japanese curry had been bubbling the entire time we'd been walking.That meant the flavours had infused deeply into the sauce, and combined with the use of local Nishigo vegetables and rice, this was exactly what we needed after a long walk.Our tour was a really valuable experience - for me, the main attraction was having the chance to visit somewhere most tourists wouldn't usually go, learning about the area from someone who knows it well, and enjoying the peaceful woodland atmosphere.More informationInterested in trying a Footpath Tour for yourself? You can learn more here (please be aware that this page is in Japanese). 

    Following Fukushima’s Footpath: A Forest Walk in Nishigo
  2. Destination Spotlight

    Among a Sea of Clouds – Climbing Mt. Issaikyo

    Learn more about Mt. Issaikyo on our dedicated webpage. Despite Japan being such a mountainous country, and having lived here for several years, I was surprised to realise I’d never climbed to the summit of a Japanese mountain before. But that all changed recently when I attempted – and defeated, just about – the rugged trip up Mt. Issaikyo, one of Fukushima’s most popular hikes.Here's all the information about not only my trip, but how you can take on this challenge as well.Base Camp: JododairaOverlooking the Jododaira Plateau, the summit of Mt. Issaikyo (1,949m) is one of several possible trips from the Jododaira Visitor Center to different areas of the surrounding Azuma-Bandai mountain range.Many visitors head for the Kamanuma pond to the west or Okenuma pond to the south, both of which offer spectacular views over the water and are particularly stunning when the leaves change colours in autumn. Both of these trips, as well as the climb up to the nearby Mt. Azuma-Kofuji crater, are shorter and less intensive walks accessible to any experience level.The nearby Visitor Center is also a great spot to enjoy lunch; there is a traditional shokudo (canteen) style restaurant that serves classic Japanese staples like curry and ramen. There’s also a souvenir shop, a great place to pick up snacks or Fukushima goods like the iconic akabeko red cow.The Jododaira area in general is well known as being a volcanic one – a major eruption from Mt. Azuma-Kofuji in 1888 created hundreds of lakes, including the popular Goshiki-numa, and the hot mountain spring water serves nearby onsen hotels to this day. Sometimes you’ll see local construction staff wearing gas masks to protect against volcanic gases when exposed for long working days.The Climb: Leg DayAs a first-time hiker, I was a little apprehensive about the journey to the summit, but the initial stretch of the journey was easy – a leisurely walk along the boardwalk through the marshlands heading into the foothills.From there, the path begins to become rockier, steeper and less steady, and this largely continued for the remainder of the hike. There are plenty of natural rest stops on the way, however, including a mountain hut with toilets and medical supplies in case of an emergency.Also, this route provides fantastic views over Azuma-Kofuji. Although it was easy to feel some jealousy towards the visitors who chose the easier hike (only 10 minutes up the steps from Jododaira, then a 45 minute stroll around the crater), the gorgeous weather made for some beautiful photos.Although the volcanic crater is visible further up Mt. Issaikyo, on occasion it was obscured by the rocky slope or by the shifting cloud cover, so the best photo spot was probably somewhere halfway up the ascent.This was also where we met many hikers coming back down the mountain in the opposite direction, many of whom greeted us warmly and wished us luck on our climb.The SummitBy the time we made it to the top, our tired legs and lungs certainly needed a rest, but we were rewarded with breathtaking views of pristine white clouds stretching as far as the eye could see. In contrast to the view from Azuma-Kofuji, which looks across the green expanse of Fukushima City, being surrounded by clouds made it feel like we’d stepped into another world.From here, we wandered slightly to the western part of the summit, where from over a gravelly slope we spied the view that attracts intrepid hikers from all over Japan.Known as Majo-no-Hitomi or ‘The Witch’s Eye’, this flawless lake of crystal blue is truly a sight to behold, and definitely made the tough climb worthwhile.The Descent... in the Wrong DirectionTempted for a closer look, we headed down the steep slopes that lead off the summit. The grip underfoot here can be rocky and unsteady, so this was where my hiking boots came most in handy. Once we got into the more forested areas again, the path occasionally fell away into a slight drop, too, so some very light mountaineering was required.The journey from the summit down to the Witch’s Eye took about thirty minutes, and again we were awestruck:The beauty of the lakefront was even more striking up close, making it the perfect place to stop and recharge our batteries with a quick lunch by the water. We spent another half an hour down here, taking a much-needed rest and enjoying the perfect summer weather.All that was left was to climb Mt. Issaikyo for the second time on the day, and we would be on our way home...By the time we made it back to Jododaira, the fine weather from earlier has dissipated and a deep fog had settled in.The round trip from Jododaira to the summit of Mt. Issaikyo, down to the Witch’s Eye, and back again, took us roughly five and a half hours (stopping for 30mins for lunch), and saw us walk the equivalent of 7.4km.Looking to climb Mt. Issaikyo for yourself? Some important advice: Wear sunscreen! Despite the shaded areas, large parts of the hike are exposed to the elements. Bring plenty of water, and snacks or lunch to keep your energy up! Hiking boots are highly recommended. The mountain is closed to climbers in winter.Looking for more hikes in Fukushima? Consider Mt. Adatara or Mt. Bandai.

    Among a Sea of Clouds – Climbing Mt. Issaikyo
  3. Useful Information

    How to Enjoy Fruit Picking in Fukushima: The Ultimate Guide

    Fukushima Prefecture has been called the ‘Fruit Kingdom’ for its abundance of orchards – in particular, the western half of Fukushima City is overloaded with fruit farms of all kinds and colours. This long strip of farmland is known as the ‘Fruit Line’, with over 20 orchards located in this region alone, and is one of the best places in Japan to enjoy a leisurely fruit picking experience during your trip.Unlike fruit picking in western countries, which is often an all-you-can-pick experience, fruit picking in Japan more closely resembles all-you-can-eat. You are usually given a set time period after you arrive – likely 30 minutes to an hour – during which you’re welcome to pick and eat as much fruit as you like. You’re asked not to take any fruit home with you from the picking area, although most orchards have a shop where the best of recent batches can be bought, often at a lower price than supermarkets.Choose Your SeasonOne of the unique features of an area with so many orchards – and a variable four-season climate like Fukushima’s – is that there’s something delicious in season almost the whole year round. Since Fukushima is Japan’s second-largest exporter of peaches, they are one of the prefecture’s biggest symbols, and you’ll see them on billboards and posters wherever you go. That makes peach-picking season – roughly mid-July through September – one of the most popular times to visit the Fruit Line, and the peaches are first-rate no matter which orchard you visit.Also extremely popular is strawberry picking, available from November all the way through to May, and apple picking is also a big hit between August and December. These are the main exports of the famous Fruit Line, but depending on the season you can visit and taste everything from cherries and blueberries in summer to grapes and Japanese pears (nashi) in autumn.What to ExpectThe procedure is slightly different for each orchard – some stores have a ticket vending machine, others you pay at the front counter – but on the whole, orchard staff are very familiar with overseas visitors and will be happy to help you. During the fruit picking experience, a member of the fruit picking staff will explain how to recognise the difference between ripe fruit and non-ripe, and many orchards also have fruit on nearby tables that has been recently picked and is also free for you to eat. Depending on the fruit you’re picking, you may also be given a bucket (for example, for peach skins or pits) and a small knife to cut fruit or peel skin (although fruits like peaches and apples are arguably sweeter with the skin still on). Although English explanations are rarer, it’s relatively easy to understand the staff via gestures and demonstrations.After your time is up, retire to the main shop of the orchard to browse the local products – juices and jams are especially popular and make for good gifts. Marusei Orchard in particular boasts an onsite café that uses their own produce in a variety of sweet treats and parfaits, and there are pictures to help you decide.Getting to the Fruit LineSince buses are available but infrequent, and the Fruit Line is littered with orchards run by different families and companies, using a car or bicycle offers more freedom to explore the area and enjoy the local scenery. Here are our recommendations for getting to the Fruit Kingdom for yourself...Car RentalRenting a car in Japan is an excellent way to get around, and the sign-up process is surprisingly easy. In Fukushima City there are three rental stores close to the west exit of the bullet train station: the JR rental store located near the west exit bus stops; the Toyota store opposite the west exit courtyard; and the Orix store one block further west. All three offer single-day rentals (small ‘kei’ cars have four seats and are the most affordable option) and can be booked online with English support.On the day of the rental, go to the store and state your name. After checking your paperwork and ID, the store staff will ask you to inspect the car for damage, and mark any scratches or dents on their inspection sheet so you’re not charged when returning the vehicle. If required, the staff can also change the car’s navigation system to English.In order to drive in Japan, visitors must obtain an International Driver’s Permit and keep it on their person at all times while driving. You also must show the permit to staff during the rental process.JR Rent-a-car / Toyota / OrixBicycle RentalExploring the countryside on a rental bicycle is one of the best ways to experience Japan – when the weather is nice – and it’s a great way to ‘hop’ multiple orchards if you’re looking to peruse the local products. Despite being ringed to the west by the Azuma mountain range, the Fruit Line is largely flat with a splendid green atmosphere, with most roads being flanked by fruit trees.As an example, if going to Marusei Orchard, take the Izaka Line to its final station of Iizaka-onsen (approx. 20mins), and rent cycles at the station. From there, take a leisurely bike ride headed west for about 10-15 minutes until you arrive at the orchard. (This itinerary would also work for visiting any orchard on the Fruit Line by bicycle.)TaxiTaxis are plentiful and available from the west exit of Fukushima Station, with drivers very familiar with the layout of the Fruit Line and able to drop you at any orchard of your choice. If returning to Fukushima Station, the orchard staff would be able to call a taxi to pick you up. However, since a round trip to the west of the city would likely cost around 7,000 yen – roughly the same price of a rental car for the day – it may be worth considering driving yourself or taking a train and renting bicycles.To learn more about the Fruit Kingdom and book your spot, visit our reservation page.

    How to Enjoy Fruit Picking in Fukushima: The Ultimate Guide