

In a crescent shaped cove separated from the mainland on the small island known as Bentenjima Island, you will find the mysterious Bentenjima Shrine. The vermillion painted tori gate stands out against the jagged stone and the powerful waves. It is believed that the shrine was land based until an earthquake that occurred in 1410 resulted in the formation of this jagged rock island. The construction date of the original shrine is unknown.

The island is also known as Wanigafuchi because, according to legend, a creature known as a “wanizame” (crocodile shark) lived on the island. Half crocodile, half shark, this creature can be seen in many old Japanese paintings. The creature may have been believed to cause the swirling water and violent waves that crashed against the rocks, sometimes resulting in people getting swept into the water. Another legend suggests that the wanizame once kidnapped a young woman from Iwaki who had wandered out to explore the island.

This coast is lined with small round pebbles that shine when the water hits them. However, do not take any of these pebbles home, as legend says that anyone who takes pebbles home from this coast will suffer from eye disease.

This area was once a very popular destination for tourists and the Iwaki city website linked below features many photos. Although the page is in Japanese, it's viewable using the translation function on web browsers.

Hattachi-Yakushi Temple is located near the shrine and is worth visiting, but please do not park there while accessing Bentenjima as it is disrespectful to the temple monks and patrons.

Venue Details

Venue Details
Best Season
  • Summer
ParkingHattachi Parking Lot (free)
Access Details
AccessYokouchi-9 Hisanohamamachi Tanoami, Iwaki, Fukushima 979-0335
View directions
Getting there

The bridge to Bentenjima is situated close to a tunnel, so those without a keen eye may not notice it at first. I recommend parking your car at the public parking lot down the road and walking over this island to do a bit of exploring. The parking lot is large with a public restroom, situated near the shrine and temple.


The World Glassware Hall
Gourmet & Shopping

Roadside Station Madeikan (Iitate Village)

Madeikan is an excellent stopping point when heading east to the Soma region thanks to its clean, modern design and array of services. Like many roadside stations, it is outfitted with two restaurants in a food court style where dishes are bought using nearby ticket machines. There is a good-sized market selling local produce, as well as a souvenir shop selling goods and crafts.The term 'madei' is a local term that depicts the slow and thoughtful way of life in Iitate Village. As such, the roadside station is intended as a place where people can unwind and take their time.When you enter the main hall of Madeikan, you're greeted by a stunning display of hanging flowers in the rafters - growing these flowers is the main industry of the village and a source of pride. The display changes season to season, meaning you're likely to see a different arrangement every time you visit.The service station is popular in summer time, when nearby sunflower fields are in full bloom, then again in winter time for its Christmas illuminations, which take place in the park behind the main building. Lights are usually turned on around 4:30pm, when it begins to get dark.

The World Glassware Hall
Gourmet & Shopping

Iwaki Lalamew

At Iwaki's Tourism and Products Center, visitors can purchase products and specialties from Iwaki as well as enjoy eating local produce. The Tourism and Products Center also introduces visitors to Iwaki City's local history and culture.The Lalamew complex includes 7 fish shops, 15 gift shops, and 12 eating and drinking establishments. The fish shops have the feel of an open-air market, and visitors can bargain for seafood direct from the port.Please enjoy dining in the establishments that present to you an abundance of seasonal seafood.

The World Glassware Hall
Museums & Galleries

Shoko Kanazawa Art Museum

This museum, located in sunny Iwaki City, exhibits the moving calligraphy of Shoko Kanazawa. The whole museum has been constructed while keeping in mind traditional Japanese architectural styles. As well as the calligraphy exhibition, Shoko Kanazawa Art Museum also has a Japanese tea room café on site, where you can take a rest with beautiful Japanese garden viewing. The same building also houses a kimono exhibition, while features one of the world's biggest kimono!

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History & Culture

Shiramizu Amidado Temple

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