Nestled in the serene surroundings of Ishikawa Town, Fukushima Prefecture, Nekonaki Onsen Shikibu no Yakata Izutsuya offers a peaceful and rejuvenating escape, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the four seasons. The tranquil atmosphere and the soothing rhythm of time spent at this onsen ryokan create the perfect setting to relax and unwind, healing the weariness of everyday life.Izutsuya’s hot spring is a rare radioactive alkaline simple weak radioactive cold mineral spring, known for its therapeutic properties. It is believed that inhaling the steam while soaking in the water can help boost immunity, making it a highly beneficial treatment. Often referred to as the 'cure-all bath,' this spring is known for its wide range of health benefits. Guests can enjoy not only the relaxing effects of the hot spring but also its positive impact on their overall well-being.The culinary experience at Izutsuya is equally important as the soothing onsen. The ryokan takes pride in offering fresh, seasonal flavors, with the menu changing each month to reflect the best ingredients of the season. Guests can indulge in traditional Japanese cuisine, carefully crafted to showcase the essence of each season’s bounty. With every dish, guests are invited to savor the true essence of Japanese culinary art, celebrating both nature and tradition.