Itineraries for trips around Fukushima

Make the most of your time in Fukushima by following these recommended itineraries, including suggested things to see and do.

Destination Spotlight

  1. Destination Spotlight

    Following Fukushima’s Footpath: A Forest Walk in Nishigo

    The tranquil village of Nishigo (西郷村) is situated just west of Shirakawa City, a naturally abundant region at the south of Fukushima Prefecture. We met with a group of community leaders, tour guides and members of the local government to take a Foothpath Tour around its many sights.What is a Footpath Tour?Inspired by the British culture of taking countryside walks in spots of natural greenery, Fukushima Footpath Tours encourage visitors to local areas to wander around and explore the nearby region.In particular, by walking through smaller and lesser known areas, eating at local restaurants, and interacting with town residents, you can play a role in Fukushima's diaster recovery efforts.A big part of the intrigue is visiting an area that people are less likely to frequent than famous tourist sites and discovering interesting places - perfect for people who like taking photos!Although there are self-guided tours available - take a look at our guides for Katsurao and Tamura - our tour featured about twenty visitors, and was led by a local long-term resident.Getting Back to NatureMy outstanding impression of our tour - and this, suitably enough, reminds me of similar walks back in the UK - was the abundance of woodland and the fantastic scenery.Our group worked its way through narrow corridors of beautiful pine trees, the terrain occasionally sloping up into the canopy, and wherever we went, we stumbled on to something interesting. Most striking was when we came to a clearing on the banks of the Abukuma River.We took a break here to take in the scenery. Later, when we shared our opinions of the tour, this was the highlight for many of us, thanks to the calm atmosphere and relaxing sound of the flowing river.Some people took this time to skip stones or try out the tree swing.Hidden TreasuresOne of the benefits of having a local resident show you around is that wherever you go, you can ask questions about the things you stumble across. Our guide also often pointed out local stores and workshops and told us about the crafts or folk art that they specialised in.The deeper we went into the woods, we also found some old abandoned houses, which had an intriguing, eerie atmosphere, and the local Christian church.A Well-Earned RestBy the time we made it back to base camp, we'd been walking for about two hours, doing a loop of the main woodland area of Nishigo. We were starting to run low on energy, making it the perfect time for lunch - our guide had been cooking since before we arrived, and a huge pot of Japanese curry had been bubbling the entire time we'd been walking.That meant the flavours had infused deeply into the sauce, and combined with the use of local Nishigo vegetables and rice, this was exactly what we needed after a long walk.Our tour was a really valuable experience - for me, the main attraction was having the chance to visit somewhere most tourists wouldn't usually go, learning about the area from someone who knows it well, and enjoying the peaceful woodland atmosphere.More informationInterested in trying a Footpath Tour for yourself? You can learn more here (please be aware that this page is in Japanese). 

    Following Fukushima’s Footpath: A Forest Walk in Nishigo
  2. Destination Spotlight

    Among a Sea of Clouds – Climbing Mt. Issaikyo

    Learn more about Mt. Issaikyo on our dedicated webpage. Despite Japan being such a mountainous country, and having lived here for several years, I was surprised to realise I’d never climbed to the summit of a Japanese mountain before. But that all changed recently when I attempted – and defeated, just about – the rugged trip up Mt. Issaikyo, one of Fukushima’s most popular hikes.Here's all the information about not only my trip, but how you can take on this challenge as well.Base Camp: JododairaOverlooking the Jododaira Plateau, the summit of Mt. Issaikyo (1,949m) is one of several possible trips from the Jododaira Visitor Center to different areas of the surrounding Azuma-Bandai mountain range.Many visitors head for the Kamanuma pond to the west or Okenuma pond to the south, both of which offer spectacular views over the water and are particularly stunning when the leaves change colours in autumn. Both of these trips, as well as the climb up to the nearby Mt. Azuma-Kofuji crater, are shorter and less intensive walks accessible to any experience level.The nearby Visitor Center is also a great spot to enjoy lunch; there is a traditional shokudo (canteen) style restaurant that serves classic Japanese staples like curry and ramen. There’s also a souvenir shop, a great place to pick up snacks or Fukushima goods like the iconic akabeko red cow.The Jododaira area in general is well known as being a volcanic one – a major eruption from Mt. Azuma-Kofuji in 1888 created hundreds of lakes, including the popular Goshiki-numa, and the hot mountain spring water serves nearby onsen hotels to this day. Sometimes you’ll see local construction staff wearing gas masks to protect against volcanic gases when exposed for long working days.The Climb: Leg DayAs a first-time hiker, I was a little apprehensive about the journey to the summit, but the initial stretch of the journey was easy – a leisurely walk along the boardwalk through the marshlands heading into the foothills.From there, the path begins to become rockier, steeper and less steady, and this largely continued for the remainder of the hike. There are plenty of natural rest stops on the way, however, including a mountain hut with toilets and medical supplies in case of an emergency.Also, this route provides fantastic views over Azuma-Kofuji. Although it was easy to feel some jealousy towards the visitors who chose the easier hike (only 10 minutes up the steps from Jododaira, then a 45 minute stroll around the crater), the gorgeous weather made for some beautiful photos.Although the volcanic crater is visible further up Mt. Issaikyo, on occasion it was obscured by the rocky slope or by the shifting cloud cover, so the best photo spot was probably somewhere halfway up the ascent.This was also where we met many hikers coming back down the mountain in the opposite direction, many of whom greeted us warmly and wished us luck on our climb.The SummitBy the time we made it to the top, our tired legs and lungs certainly needed a rest, but we were rewarded with breathtaking views of pristine white clouds stretching as far as the eye could see. In contrast to the view from Azuma-Kofuji, which looks across the green expanse of Fukushima City, being surrounded by clouds made it feel like we’d stepped into another world.From here, we wandered slightly to the western part of the summit, where from over a gravelly slope we spied the view that attracts intrepid hikers from all over Japan.Known as Majo-no-Hitomi or ‘The Witch’s Eye’, this flawless lake of crystal blue is truly a sight to behold, and definitely made the tough climb worthwhile.The Descent... in the Wrong DirectionTempted for a closer look, we headed down the steep slopes that lead off the summit. The grip underfoot here can be rocky and unsteady, so this was where my hiking boots came most in handy. Once we got into the more forested areas again, the path occasionally fell away into a slight drop, too, so some very light mountaineering was required.The journey from the summit down to the Witch’s Eye took about thirty minutes, and again we were awestruck:The beauty of the lakefront was even more striking up close, making it the perfect place to stop and recharge our batteries with a quick lunch by the water. We spent another half an hour down here, taking a much-needed rest and enjoying the perfect summer weather.All that was left was to climb Mt. Issaikyo for the second time on the day, and we would be on our way home...By the time we made it back to Jododaira, the fine weather from earlier has dissipated and a deep fog had settled in.The round trip from Jododaira to the summit of Mt. Issaikyo, down to the Witch’s Eye, and back again, took us roughly five and a half hours (stopping for 30mins for lunch), and saw us walk the equivalent of 7.4km.Looking to climb Mt. Issaikyo for yourself? Some important advice: Wear sunscreen! Despite the shaded areas, large parts of the hike are exposed to the elements. Bring plenty of water, and snacks or lunch to keep your energy up! Hiking boots are highly recommended. The mountain is closed to climbers in winter.Looking for more hikes in Fukushima? Consider Mt. Adatara or Mt. Bandai.

    Among a Sea of Clouds – Climbing Mt. Issaikyo
  3. Destination Spotlight

    The Tourism of Hope: A Guide to the Key Sites of Fukushima’s Post-Disaster Revitalization

    The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011 devastated huge swathes of the Tohoku region; in Fukushima Prefecture alone, over 4,000 people lost their lives as a result of the disaster. Known by many locals as the triple disaster – earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear power plant failure – the events of 2011 stand as one of the most severe disasters in modern history.Over ten years on, Fukushima is once again a bustling tourist destination.Although citizens of coastal areas were ordered to evacuate in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, extensive revitalization efforts have allowed people to come back, and these days the ‘difficult-to-return’ zone covers just 2.2% of Fukushima Prefecture. Radiation levels are roughly the same as other world cities; you can learn more about safety in Fukushima here.If you’re looking to learn first-hand about the disaster, here are some of the must-see locations on Fukushima’s eastern coast.The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial MuseumThis museum, known to locals as Denshokan, accounts in great detail not only the events of the disaster, but the extensive efforts of local authorities to restore the region to its lively former self. This beautiful modern complex, completed in 2020, asks visitors to consider both of the destructive power of natural disasters, and the important lessons we can learn about disaster preparedness for future generations. Four times a day, local residents share their experiences of the events of March 2011 and answer questions from museum guests. Their testimony is both insightful and very moving, and for many travellers remains their most lasting memory of their visit.The museum is a mixture of written records and audiovisual materials, documenting the immediate response from local and national government, and features many interactive exhibits encouraging guests – especially students – to consider how a region should attempt to recover after a tragedy of this scale. Particularly charming are letters of support the people of Fukushima received from children worldwide in the wake of the disaster.Adults enter for 600 yen; high school students or younger for 300 yen. To learn more about Denshokan and how to experience this beautiful modern museum for yourself, visit our dedicated web page.Futaba Town Art DistrictThis seaside town was once home to roughly 7,000 people – currently the population is around one hundred people or less. Many of those who once lived in the disaster-affected area have made new lives for themselves elsewhere, but the people and the spirit of Futaba has been commemorated in the form of gigantic murals around the town. As you walk from mural to mural, it’s hard not to think of the lively townscape it must have been before the disaster struck over ten years ago.Aside from the memorial museum, which is based in Futaba, you can also visit the Asano-Nenshi office, known to many as the ‘Super Zero’ towel factory. Established by an Asano-Nenshi executive who lived in Fukushima as a university student, the factory is perhaps the biggest and most significant visual indicator of a little town looking towards the future.Read more about Futaba Town’s stunning art district.Ukedo Elementary SchoolLocated in nearby Namie Town, Ukedo Elementary School is one of the most striking leftovers from the 2011 disaster. Built close enough to see the ocean, the school was ravaged by the tsunami 40 minutes after the initial quake – that no one in the school lost their lives has been hailed as a miracle. The school grounds, left largely untouched, are now a museum commemorating the remarkable story of how the Ukedo students and teachers safely evacuated on that fateful day in March 2011.Visitors can wander the wreckage of former classrooms and witness the water damage on the walls and floors. Perhaps most awe-inspiring is the sight of the gymnasium, its floor punctured and warped by the immense pressure of the tsunami water.The upper floor of the building features some classrooms as they were before the disaster, and includes memorabilia and wreckage found by revitalization workers. A QR code at the entrance also provides support for other languages including English.Entrance to the school costs 300 yen for adults, 200 yen for high school students, and 100 yen for elementary and middle school students. The building is closed on Tuesdays.For more details about Ukedo Elementary School and other places to visit in Fukushima’s coastal region, see the Fukushima Travel website for more details.If you'd like to visit the area for yourself, check out our dedicated itinerary of a recommended route.

    The Tourism of Hope: A Guide to the Key Sites of Fukushima’s Post-Disaster Revitalization